Electronic, electric, acoustic, contrabass... when I listen to music the sound of bass is the first line that attracts me. No matter what kind of bass and what genre of music, those vibrant waves full the space of something that lies between melody and armony. Sometimes you could even recognize a music just by the vibrations that your body receives by the bass, without earing it.
Looking for a selection of bass tagged albums I found that there are very few things, but some of them are absolutely worth of a post. Like these:
This man is kind of a genius. This album is not new, but is really amazing. Bass tunes totally fascinating. Beautiful sounds, nice variations of rhythms between jazz and latin classics. I fell in love with this album at the first notes.
Totally different ambient but same great talent. Here you can find a bunch of tunes that celebrate the authentical funky and rock and american electric bass, with a sense of originality that makes each tune a surprise.
Hip hop inspiration, jazzy declination, for another bass player that steps outside of the mass.
I wanted to include in this selection the sound of contrabass. And I found this artist, from Israel, that didn't publish an album but a selection of single tunes, all played with different types of basses. I chose this tune because it's original, well played, and evocative. Try to surf around in his page and you'll find other nice suprpises.
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