Four days from now it will be 2 months since the earthquake and the tsunami that devastated part of Japan. There's still a lot to do. Maybe more now that media attention has been fading. The world of artists has been in first line trying to help raising funds and focus the people attention on this tragedy. Here some of independent japanese musicians works. A lot to think about, a lot that we still could do.
A collective of electronic artists that tried to capture the sounds and the feelings of the days immediatly following the earthquake. Impressive.
Another cowork between three Tokyo based artists. Beautiful atmospheres and sounds. Can't miss Ametsub tracks (he's got Sakamoto in his fans...).
Another collection, this time the tracks are 50! from artists based in 7 different countries but someway related to Japan. Mostly dubstep, electronic, some hiphop. Tracks were all unreleased or especially created for the occasion. Funds to Red Cross Japan.
I chose this track to close this post because it's totally different from the rest. These two japanese artists play indian music on tabla and sitar. They play extremely well. The perfect demonstration that music belongs to nobody and to anyone.